Amazon’s FCC Radio Frequency Compliance Attribute Device Listings Policy on Amazon

UPDATE: 2/2/2022

As of February 1, 2022 Amazon stated it will be removing ASINs that are missing required FCC information effective March 7, 2022. Review their policy here. To learn more about Amazon’s FCC Radio Frequency Compliance Attribute Device Listings Policy on Amazon, continue reading below.

This post focuses on how to comply with Amazon’s FCC Radio Frequency Compliance Attribute Device Listings Policy on Amazon, if you have radio-enabled devices you will now have to fill out an FCC Radio Frequency Emission Compliance attribute. On February 1st, 2021, Amazon announced that there would be new compliance measures in place for radio frequency device listings on at the end of February 2021. As of March 7, 2022, they will be removing ASINs that do not comply. You will want to comply with this measure to improve your product listing and ensure all necessary information is available to Amazon. Providing as much information as you can is also helpful to your Amazon customers. If you do not update your listings to comply with this new policy, your performance on Amazon could suffer. You could risk having your listing taken down and lose out on sales. This post will outline what has changed and what measures you may have to take to ensure your listings are adhering to these compliance measures.

Understanding the FCC policy around Radio Frequencies

If an electronic device can emit radio frequency energy, it is regulated by the FCC. This regulation is because these devices could interfere with authorized radio communications and “must be authorized under the appropriate FCC procedure before they can be marketed, imported, or used in the United States.

It’s possible that you may not realize your product falls under this categorization and what the FCC considers radio frequency devices. The FCC broadly classifies radio frequency devices as any electronic or electrical product that is capable of emitting radio frequency energy. According to the FCC, almost all electronic or electrical products are capable of emitting radio frequency energy. Some examples of Radio Frequency Devices that require FCC authorization are, but not limited to: Wi-Fi devices, bluetooth devices, radios, mobile phones, electronic tablets and other devices with cellular connectivity, two-way radios and walkie talkies, automatic identification system (AIS) devices, broadcast transmitters, signal boosters, wireless printers and devices with cellular technology. If your product was not included in this list, and you are wondering if it is a Radio Frequency Device you can find even more information on the Equipment Authorization – RF Device page of the FCC website.

Amazons FCC Radio Frequency Compliance Attribute Device Listings Policy

How to Comply with Amazon’s Policy Regarding the FCC Radio Frequency Emission Compliance Attribute

According to Amazon, at the end of  February 2021, in order to create new listings or update existing listings of radio frequency devices, you will need to fill in the FCC Radio Frequency Emission Compliance attribute.

In the attribute, you must do one of the following:

  • Provide evidence of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorization – either an FCC certification number or contact information for the Responsible Party, as defined by the FCC.


  • Certify that the product is exempt from FCC requirements.

Per Amazon policy, all radio frequency devices must comply with FCC regulations and all applicable state and local laws. Amazon has always required you to provide accurate and updated information about your products on the product detail page. Amazon now also requires you to submit the FCC information or certify exemption.

Can I sell my electronic device that emits radio frequencies on Amazon?

Yes, you are permitted to sell radio frequency devices that are legal, operate according to their authorization, comply with industry standards and do not interfere with other electronics or devices. (Amazon Radio Frequency Devices). A device may be prohibited from selling on Amazon if it has not yet be authorized. Other prohibited listings include AIS devices that are not for marine navigation, signal boosters for large industrial spaces, power amplifies used with CB radios, products that intentionally block radio communications, and wireless microphones that operate in the 600 or 700 MHz Band.

Comply With Amazons FCC Radio Frequency Compliance Attribute Device

Steps to Take to Comply with Amazon’s Policy to Satisfy FCC Radio Frequency Emission Listing Requirements

If your product is a radio frequency device approval by the FCC, you must submit your authorization for radio frequency device compliance. This may be in the form of an FCC certification number or letter. Alternatively, you can provide the contact information for the Responsible Party, as defined by the FCC. If you have a radio frequency device that is not yet authorized by the FCC, you must complete FCC authorization procedures: Equipment Authorization Procedures

If your product is not considered a radio frequency device, this new compliance measure will not affect your product and you will not need to take action. If your product is a radio frequency device that is exempt from FCC regulation, you must certify that exemption.

Final Thoughts on Amazon’s Radio Frequency Compliance Policy

It is vital to comply with all Amazon policies and measures so that you do not jeopardize the status of your listing and lose out on sales. It is also helpful to your Amazon customers to provide additional information so that they can make an informed product choice. We encourage you research thoroughly your product certification required by the FCC. If you have further questions about how to comply with Amazon’s listing requirements for compliance with the FCC radio frequency authorization, reach out through our contact form to start the conversation.