Amazon Product Identification

Listing your products on the Amazon store can seem easy. That is until they start asking you all sorts of product identification questions like what your UPC, GTIN, or EAN is. Or you run into an error code because you do not have the correct GS1 certification for Amazon to identify your product. These issues can be frustrating, but Amazon is trying to ensure that the product you are selling is authorized and accurate for Amazon customers to purchase. A unique aspect of the Amazon marketplace is that there is only a single product listing for a given product, which is defined by the UPC/ASIN assignment of the listing. This makes it vital as a brand owner to add the correct Amazon Product Identifiers to maintain the accuracy of the product listing. Doing so will make inventory management easier, more efficient, and more accurate so Amazon customers always get the correct products they order. At Goat Consulting, we can help get you the right documentation in order to get your product listing added to Amazon or help troubleshoot any issues you have when it comes to Amazon Product Identification.

Amazon Product IDs

There are many Amazon Product Identifiers on Amazon. We define each identifier, discuss who it is assigned by, and why it is used. Let’s first go through and define each one:

SKU - Stock Keeping Unit

SKU stands for “Stock Keeping Unit”. This is a unique identifier code you create and assign in order to track your products. This usually consists of a combination of letters and numbers to represent an individual product. By using SKUs, you can easily identify and manage your inventory, create reporting tools, and make better decisions about your inventory. On Amazon, a SKU is created for each offer you make. For example, you may sell on a product listing and assign a SKU for your FBA offer and assign another SKU for your merchant fulfilled offer.

ASIN - Amazon Standard Identification Number

ASIN stands for "Amazon Standard Identification Number". It is a unique 10-character alphanumeric code identifier code used by Amazon to identify and track products listed on its platform. Amazon creates and assigns this number when a product is first listed on the marketplace. This is the most important tracking product identifier for communicating the product you are referencing with Amazon. Unlike SKUs, which are specific for each business, ASINs are specific to the marketplace and if there are multiple sellers of the same product, they would sell on the same ASIN.

GTIN - Global Trade Item Number

GTIN stands for “Global Trade Item Number”. This is the broad terminology used to group together the family of barcode symbologies (such as UPC and EAN) used to identify products. If SKU is specific to your business, and ASIN is specific to Amazon, then UPC is the tracking code that is consistent across different marketplaces and the supply chain. GTINs are assigned by a central organization, the GS1, to maintain the records of product assignment.


The GS1 organization is a global non-profit organization that maintains standards for various industries. Most notably for Amazon sellers, maintaining the true record of product identification assignment. Amazon uses the GS1 as a reference and source of truth for UPC/EAN and product identification.

UPC - Universal Product Code

UPC is “Universal Product Code”. Look at most consumer packaged goods, and you will find a barcode. The barcode is the symbology for barcode scanners to read the UPC number. UPC codes are generally 12-digits. Each unique product has a UPC assigned to it.

EAN - European Article Number

EAN or “European Article Number”, is similar to the UPC but is used in Europe and other parts of the world including Asia and the Middle East. EAN numbers are 13-digit codes, unlike the 12-digit UPC codes. Similar to the UPC, the EAN can show up as a barcode on products that help in efficiency with inventory tracking and the checkout process.

FNSKU - Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit

FNSKU stands for “Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit”. This is a unique identifier used by the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service to track and manage inventory. An FNSKU is assigned for each SKU that is in the Amazon fulfillment network and tells not only what the product is, but that it is owned by you as the seller. If you opt-in to FNSKU tracking you are required to have each product labeled with an FNSKU label covering the existing GTIN barcode. Amazon uses FNSKU to ensure that products are tracked and managed efficiently, and Amazon customers get the correct products when they make a purchase.

Best Practices for Amazon Product Identification

It is important to maintain accurate records on Amazon around product identification. This will reduce the number of inventory management errors, allow for more accurate reporting, and ensure that Amazon customers get the correct product when they make a purchase. Here are some best practices on Amazon with product identification.

Use an Accurate Consistent SKU System

As we have noted, SKU is assigned by you. When you are creating products use a SKU system of numbers and letters to define your products. The best SKU systems allow you to decipher what each product is by the number and letter assignment. If you have a size or color variation in your product line, use a consistent suffix such as -S, -M, -L (small, medium, large) or -BLU, -GRN, -BLK (blue, green, black).

Source Valid GS1 GTIN Codes

GS1 is the organization that maintains the records for GTIN association. Ensure that you go through GS1 to apply and purchase a barcode suffix. This will allow you to assign your SKUs with a valid GTIN for consistent record keeping across your supply chain. When you add your products to Amazon ensure you note the correct GTIN for the SKU you are creating. GS1 US has a Verified by GS1 search tool to help sellers access and verify detailed product information for ensuring accurate product information.

Ensure Proper Labeling for Amazon FBA

When you create an FBA offer on Amazon, you are asked whether you would like barcode tracking or FNSKU tracking. Both are valid options as barcode tracking may save you prep time and labeling costs, and FNSKU tracking specifically notes your ownership and what the product is. The important thing is that whether you select barcode tracking or FNSKU tracking, you send in your inventory with the correct labeling you noted. If you select FNSKU tracking, and you send in inventory without an FNSKU label, there will be a delay in processing and additional labeling fees for you.

Fix an Incorrect Amazon Product ID Assignment

As we have noted, it is important to maintain accurate Amazon Product ID Assignments. Incorrect Amazon Product ID assignments can show up if there are errors in adding a product or your distributor or third party adds inaccurate information. If you identify these issues, it is important to take action to fix these issues.

Change an Incorrect Amazon Product ID

In order to change an incorrect Amazon Product ID, you will need to show Amazon that you are the true owner of the GTIN. Amazon references the GS1 Global Database to verify ownership and assignment of UPCs and EANs on Amazon. Open a case through brand registry showing your manufacturer’s website, catalog and product reference, and proof of GTIN ownership. You will only be able to update the product ID on an existing ASIN, if the product being offered through the new Product ID, is identical to the product offered under the previous Product ID. Meaning, if you are launching a new version, or formulation or if the nature of the product is different than the preexisting product a new ASIN offer will need to be created, and the old ASIN cannot be used. In any situation, Amazon reserves the right to decide if a new ASIN offer needs to be created or if a preexisting ASIN can have its Product ID updated.

Reclaim an Incorrectly Assigned Product ID or GTIN

If you see that a third-party has incorrectly used your GTIN that you acquired through the GS1 global database, you can reclaim this UPC by submitting a request through Amazon brand registry to reclaim your GTIN. In order to reclaim your UPC on Amazon, you must open a case with Brand Registry citing the Valid UPCs policy, describing your issues, citing the fraudulent UPC/ASIN, and providing proof of your ownership such as your GS1 company prefix certificate, picture of the GTIN affixed to your product, link to your website, and a link to the GS1 registration database showing you as the registered owner.

Amazon Error Codes

Amazon error codes can result when there is incorrect data submitted to Amazon. There are a variety of different Amazon error codes that can prevent you from updating product identification or details. This can be frustrating as a brand owner when you make updates that help Amazon customers but are prevented due to the error codes. Here are some error codes that brands run into:

Amazon Error Code 8541

Amazon error code 8541 on Seller Central means that there is a conflict between your submitted information and what Amazon has saved. This error can occur on any attribute but is most frequently seen when trying to update core product information like Product Type, Item Name/Title, Brand Name, Manufacturer, and Model Number.

Amazon Error Code 8016

The Amazon error code 8016 occurs when there is incorrect information applied that prevents submitting a parent/child variation. This can occur when there is incorrect information around the variation theme or variation theme attributes (for example, size and color for SizeColor VariationTheme).

Amazon Error Codes 8008 and 8801

The Amazon Error Codes 8008 and 8801 often show up together when there is an issue with variations. The specific issue for 8008 is when Amazon is unable to recognize a SKU that was submitted in a template. 8801 occurs when there are two child SKUs in a variation have the exact same variation attributes submitted.

Goat Consulting Amazon Product Identification

We have helped many brands and manufacturers ensure accurate product identification on Amazon and fix issues related to incorrect product IDs. We have a relationship with GS1 to better ensure product ID accuracy on the Amazon store. Ensuring the accuracy of Amazon product identifiers will help create a better shopping experience for your customers by allowing you to maintain accurate product merchandising, have better reporting with uniform data points, and make inventory management easier, more efficient, and more accurate so Amazon customers always get the correct products they order. If you have any questions about Amazon product identification or fixing any issues related to identification assignments, please reach out to us using the button below.