How to Provide Manufacturers Proof to

What is Manufacturers Proof and When is It Needed

When Sellers request any change to product information on Amazon, Amazon Associates or Support may request “Manufacturers Proof” in order to verify that the requested changes are accurate. Product information can include but is not limited to Images, Product Detail Page Information, Variation Information like (Size Name, Color Name, Style Name), and Brand Name Attribution. 

Manufacturer’s Proof is an image or webpage that contains key information about a single item or SKU and clearly depicts or lists the Product ID (UPC, EAN) that the item or SKU is tied to on

The more sellers that offer your product, the higher the chance that incorrect or inconsistent product information has been submitted in the past and/or will be submitted in the future. Having easily accessible and organized manufacturers' proof is the easiest way to successfully correct inaccurate or inconsistent information that has been submitted historically or to defend against incorrect data contribution from other sellers in the future.

How to Request a Change or Update of Product Information  

When attempting a correction of product information, first try editing product information using the “edit” product options or via inventory file update before opening a case. If the product information is not updating within 48hrs following submission, a support case may need to be opened in order to get the product information display updated. 

If you are the registered brand owner of the product you are attempting to update product information for, opening a case in your brand services account will be the best path to update the product. To open a case in Brand Services, log into your brand services account and click Support > Contact Brand Support > Listing Issue > Request a Product Detail Page Change.

If you are not the registered brand owner and use Seller Central to offer your product, in Seller Central click Help > Other Issues > Make a Suggestion. 

If you are not the registered brand owner and use Vendor Central to offer your product, in Vendor Central click > Support > Contact Us > Manage My Catalog > Item Detail Update. 

In any of the case creation methods listed above, in the support case be sure to describe:

  • ASIN, UPC, and SKU Number of the product you want to update

  • The incorrect information that is currently being displayed 

  • The correct information that you would like to display

At that point, Amazon Support may request manufacturers’ proof to verify the changes that you are requesting. 

Providing Manufacturers Proof

There are two different forms of manufacturer proof that can be provided. Both forms of manufacturer’s proof need to directly show or address the update that you as a seller are requesting.

Manufacturers Proof via Manufacturer Website Link

The first form is a link to the manufacturer’s website product page that specifically pictures the SKU that you are requesting the edit or update for. At a minimum, the page should contain an image of the product and a short description of the product. Ideally, the short description should contain key points of information like “brand name”, “size name”, “volume” etc., so that if this information needs to be corrected on Amazon and can easily be verified by the proof. Also, it’s important that the page fully lists out the Product ID (GTIN/UPC/EAN) that is assigned to the product. If you are the manufacturer or brand owner of your product it may be worth considering formatting or reformatting your website’s product pages to meet these requirements. Not only is this information generally used by the consumer, but it will help other possible sellers and distributors of your product communicate information as consistently and accurately as possible.

Manufacturers Proof via Product Packaging Images

The second form is a set of images that depict all sides of the product in its packaging. Amazon does not accept product detail page images for this proof. When you are taking Product Packaging Images, be sure that the pictures are taken in a well-lit environment for good image quality. The images need to depict all sides of product packaging, and product information on the packaging needs to be clearly visible and readable in the images. Also one of the images provided needs to depict the UPC/EAN/GTIN label on the packaging clearly so that the numeric text under the barcode can be clearly read.

Once you have your manufacturer’s proof created, submit the proof within the case. Amazon support may reply in the case requesting proof alteration or additional proof based on the information that you are attempting to update.

Generally, the first form of manufacturers’ proof is the easiest way to create, organize, and present the proof at scale. If you do not have access to the manufacturer’s website or if the manufacturer’s website does not contain the needed information or if you have a small product catalog, the second photographic form of manufacturer’s proof may be a better option.

Goat Consulting recommends proactively creating this manufacturer's proof when the product is uploaded/offered so that issues related to product information can be quickly resolved.

Goat Consulting works with our clients to implement corrections and changes to product information across their catalogs. If you have any additional questions about Manufacturers Proof or other topics, contact us using the button below.