Update an Amazon Product Listing with Error Code 8541

You are likely on this page because you went to update a product listing and ran into error code 8541 and you want to know how to resolve it. As an Amazon seller, knowing how to troubleshoot different errors will help you mitigate risk and resolve listing issues quickly. Error code 8541 on Seller Central means that there is a conflict between your submitted information and what Amazon has saved. This error can occur on any attribute but is most frequently seen when trying to update core product information like Product Type, Item Name/Title, Brand Name, Manufacturer, and Model Number. This post will what error code 8541 is, how to fix error code 8541, and a strategy for preventing Amazon error code 8541.

What is Amazon error code 8541?

The specific code you will see when trying to make a product listing improvement to your listing details is the following:

Error Code 8541: The SKU data provided is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog. The attribute value data provided matches ASIN X, but the following data is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog.

Amazon error code 8541 is a matching conflict error that occurs when an attribute value submitted from your account does not match with information Amazon has already accepted and published for the ASIN. When this error occurs Amazon rejects your attribute submission. To resolve the error, Amazon requires you to adjust your submission to match their accepted attribute at which point the conflict is resolved. This error can occur when updating information manually in the edit product menu or when using an inventory file.

Fixing Amazon Error Code 8541

There are two approaches that can be taken to fix the Amazon error code 8541: fixing manually through product edit or through seller central case management.

Fixing Amazon Error Code 8541 Through Manual Product Edit

To resolve error code 8541 you need to update Amazon’s on-hand attribute value to our submitted attribute value. The error code 8541 can occur on different attributes but we will walk through the example of the process for resolving an error code 8541 on the Product Name or Title attribute. This process can be applied to any other attribute where this error is reported.

  1. Navigate to your Manage Inventory, find your product and hit the Edit button

  2. Under the Product Identity section update the title to your desired improved contribution

  3. Check to see if error code 8541 is reported

  4. If the error code is still reported, continue to update the title to closely match the original title until the error code is not displaying

  5. Continue to update the title until you are able to match the desired title contribution that complies with Amazon’s product listing guidelines

  6. If you encounter error code 8541 while adding additional terms to your submitted attribute, try making a more minor edit to see if that resolves the error.

Fixing Amazon Error Code 8541 Through Case Management

If you are unable to resolve the error code 8541 manually, you can open a contact support case. When opening this ticket include error 8541, the attribute (product name), and the new proposed product name you are trying to update in the description. Continue to coordinate with Amazon seller support to understand the best path forward to resolving the error code.

Preventing Amazon Error Code 8541

It is important to make necessary adjustments to your process selling on Amazon to mitigate risk and issues and prevent problems or error codes such as 8541 to happen in the first place. A common issue that drives Amazon error codes is the use of duplicate or incorrect use of Amazon Product ID UPCs or GTINs. Using registered GTINs will help decrease the chance that incorrect attributes are saved and attributed to your products. Amazon also has category-specific content rules and guidelines. If your new attribute does not follow these guidelines, that may prevent the value from being accepted by Amazon. Be sure to review the category's content policies to ensure your submitted attribute is within Amazon's Terms of Service, Selling policies and code of conduct.


What is 8541 error on Amazon?

Error 8541 is a matching error when an attribute value submitted from your account does not match with information Amazon has already accepted.

How do I fix error 8541 on Amazon?

To fix error 8541 on Amazon for a non-standardized attribute like product name you can attempt to manually troubleshoot this error by making small changes to the title. If you are trying to update a standardized attribute like product type or item type keyword you will need to open up casework with Amazon seller support to have them update it internally before resolving the error.

How long does it typically take to resolve error code 8541?

In our experience, when dealing with error 8541 for product name issues you can expect to troubleshoot it within 24 to 48 hours. When it comes to product type or item type keywords that can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks since you are relying on Amazon’s internal department to make those updates. 

What can I do if I am still getting an 8541 Amazon error code?

If you are still encountering this error after following all of the steps mentioned in this blog, reach out to Goat Consulting and we can assess to see if we can assist through manual edits or contact Amazon on your behalf to resolve error code 8541


Understanding how to troubleshoot Amazon error 8541 is crucial for Amazon sellers looking to mitigate risk and keep their listings updated on Amazon. By following the steps outlined in this blog you should be able to troubleshoot any matchmaking issues that you encounter. It’s important to recognize that some errors may be more complex and require expert assistance. At Goat Consulting, we regularly help our clients troubleshoot different types of errors. If you have questions about troubleshooting any type of error on Amazon.com, contact us through the contact us button below to start a conversation.

About the Author - Albert Podshivaylov

This post was written by Albert Podshivaylov, an Account Manager at Goat Consulting. Albert helps his clients sell on Amazon by increasing sales, mitigating risk, reducing costs, and solving problems such as this Amazon error code 8541. He has developed experience and expertise for troubleshooting Amazon issues and resolving problems through working with a wide variety of Goat Consulting clients. If you want help resolving issues like the Amazon error code 8541 or assist with other aspects of selling on Amazon, Albert is happy to lead your account.