Having your product incorrectly marked as a hazmat or dangerous good can harm your business. This post will teach you how to fix hazmat or dangerous goods issues on Amazon. Amazon’s rigorous standards for products classified as hazardous materials (hazmat) or dangerous goods are put in place to ensure that customers are safe. However, sometimes Amazon listings are incorrectly flagged and classified as hazmat or dangerous goods which makes the product unavailable, disrupting sales and inventory. If you sell a Hazmat product incorrect classification or registration information can also impact availability and can potentially result in the listing being removed from the marketplace. In this blog post, we will cover how to avoid hazmat or dangerous goods issues. Sellers should be proactive and familiarize themselves with Amazon’s Dangerous Goods Identification Guide and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements. Below is a comprehensive guide about avoiding hazmat-related issues, maintaining compliance, and how to appeal incorrect classifications.